

Category Archives: Market Commentary

Don’t Let a Volatile Stock Market Interrupt You Living the Good Life

Financial Planning, Investments, Market Commentary, News, Retirement

It’s been said that volatility is a tax that investors have to pay for harnessing the wealth-building power of the financial markets. But rationalising market fluctuations doesn’t make them any less nerve-wracking, especially if you’re nearing retirement age. Some investors react to volatility like they’re living in the path of a hurricane. They board up […]

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The “ABCDE” Method to Avoiding Knee-Jerk Reactions to Negative Financial Events

Financial Planning, Market Commentary, News

As part of our Life-Centered Planning process, we’ve talked about how market volatility is a normal part of investing. We’ve also discussed how we’ve structured your investments to “weather the storm” and maintain a comfortable level of income for you and your family during turbulent times. But we also understand that even folks who are […]

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Coping with Uncertainty

Investments, Market Commentary, News

“Oil falls on middle-east uncertainty.” When financial markets are volatile, you often hear that “uncertainty” is the cause. This suggests that uncertainty comes and goes, but because financial markets are forward looking, and because the future is unpredictable, investors must cope with uncertainty all the time. That can be hard, especially in volatile periods when […]

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How best to invest?

Investments, Market Commentary

Investments Establishing and maintaining an investment portfolio is often key to achieving financial independence. Experience, expertise and rigorous academic research are deeply embedded into our investment process.     Why Invest? People are now living longer and working longer, it’s never been more important to make our money work for us, and investment is one […]

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New Main Residence Nil Rate Band Planning – Causeway Coast Inheritance Tax Planning

Inheritance Tax Planning, Legacy Planning, Market Commentary, News, Tax Planning

New Main Residence Nil Rate Band Planning This will benefit individuals with direct descendants who have an estate, which includes a main residence, with total assets above the current inheritance tax threshold, or nil-rate band. What is the “Main Residence Nil Rate Band”? It will introduce an additional nil-rate band when a residence is passed […]

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2016 in review

Investments, Market Commentary, News

We’re well into the new year now and after President Trump’s inauguration on Friday past I thought it might be useful to reflect on the past year. In 2016, the UK market reached new highs and stocks in a majority of developed and emerging market countries delivered positive returns. UK investors with overseas assets benefited […]

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