If your New Year’s resolutions rarely last until Valentine’s Day, this might be the year to stop “resolving” and start setting goals. What’s the difference? “I’m going to be healthier” is a common resolution. It begs the question, “How?” Folks who can’t answer that question usually get frustrated and abandon their resolutions before they start. […]
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The jobs we do for 40 hours every week – and the life that job provides for our families over decades – has a significant influence on how we view ourselves. That’s why many new retirees struggle with a loss of identity. Without familiar work routines, responsibilities, accomplishments, financial rewards, and social networks, some retirees […]
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Why work when you can travel, play, sleep in, and … Umm … Sleep some more? That’s both the promise and the dilemma of the popular Financial Independence Retire Early (FIRE) movement. FIRE folks spend minimally and save and invest maximally in order to get to retirement asap. Some millennials are going so far as […]
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Anyone who’s retired in the past 10 years has been very fortunate. They’ve experienced a massive bull market and they may even have a higher net worth today than when they retired! But it won’t always be that way. Some people will have the unfortunate luck of retiring right into the teeth of the next […]
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It’s been said that volatility is a tax that investors have to pay for harnessing the wealth-building power of the financial markets. But rationalising market fluctuations doesn’t make them any less nerve-wracking, especially if you’re nearing retirement age. Some investors react to volatility like they’re living in the path of a hurricane. They board up […]
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Imagine that you’re living in a tent on an open plain. One day you plant a tree. For the next 40 years, you water it. You protect it from harsh weather and animals. You never pick its fruit. You don’t climb it for fun. You don’t take a break and rest in its shade. You […]
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As part of our Life-Centered Planning process, we’ve talked about how market volatility is a normal part of investing. We’ve also discussed how we’ve structured your investments to “weather the storm” and maintain a comfortable level of income for you and your family during turbulent times. But we also understand that even folks who are […]
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This generation of retirees is going to live longer than any in history. The retired people of today are healthier, more active, and receiving better preventative care. And on top of that, a growing group of scientists is trying to harness technology and modern medicine to slow down the aging process. Experts call the cumulative […]
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How are you going to get the best, most fulfilling life possible with the money you have once you retire? Study after study has shown that retirees who spend their time and money on experiences are much happier than those who just buy stuff. Charitable giving can be a particularly meaningful way to keep yourself […]
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It might sound a little strange but there are many benefits to working even though you no longer need the money for your living or retirement needs. These “retirement workers” have discovered that part-time jobs or volunteer positions allow them to keep a nice pace in life and find a balance among using their talents, […]
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