Who are our clients? Who do we work with?
Recently I met a couple who became new clients a month or so ago. At the end of our last meeting I told them that since I’d really enjoyed working with them I’d like them to introduce their friends to me. Genuinely good people usually hang around with other nice people! This started an interesting conversation and I took it very seriously because this couple were ideal clients for me. I already knew that they had contacted me after finding our website on google and liking the vibe of our company. I was surprised to learn that initially they worried they didn’t have enough money to be my clients! They assumed that we only dealt with very high net worth individuals and had hesitated before calling me to arrange a first meeting. For sure we do have some very wealthy clients but by no means do we limit our services to these people.
A large proportion of our clients are either retired or about to retire but at the same time I seek out new clients, including young familes who are starting out because by taking on board sound financial advice early on they will reap the rewards in later life. They usually don’t have large sums to invest initially but investing wisely on a monthly basis will work for them. My clients are not just numbers but individuals who I enjoy getting to know – they and their families are my clients, not their money. My satisfaction comes from seeing clients finally getting peace of mind and clarity about their financial life. Another adviser I follow on twitter recently said that if he retired and realised he’d only made wealthy people wealthier he wouldn’t have felt fulfilled. I totally agree with this sentiment and have positioned my services to work not just with millionaires! If you’ve hesitated about contacting me before now I encourage you to arrange a free consultation to see how we might work together.
By David Gibson